View Profile TheReno
Im a Star Wars nerd and a fur to boot. I know a bunch of random shit and am looking for a job in HVAC. FCWswm3arw~DD3a A- C- D H+ M P- R T? W Z Sm RLAT* a- cn+ d++ e f h* i++ j p++ sm--

Age 34, Male


Joined on 3/25/04

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TheReno's News

Posted by TheReno - October 5th, 2009

I am sick and tired of seeing games on newgrounds that use mochi. Know why? Because usually to access the extra content you have to pay mochigold (which is real money you pay to mochi to get mochi gold). Thats bullshit. Its one thing if your going to sell the game so you put out a demo (exmortis 3) but to put most of a game out there and then force me to pay to be able to save or get 2or 3 extra levels is bullshit. The only game I know of that uses mochi that might be a good standard to set for this bullshit system would be twinshot two, where you had the main arc and then a bonus arc of 40 some levels. Not these 2-3 level bullshit (Ive taken a liking to this word for this arguement).


Mochi, GTFO!

Posted by TheReno - September 3rd, 2009

If you use steam and play team fortress two, you will know that valve has taken up a zero tolerance stance on every external item getter, and have extended this to idleing. Without warning they lashed out at all idlers and took their items, but only those gained by idleing with a warning that to continue means your backpack dies. Then they wanted to show us that not cheating had its benefits, giving the gayest hat Ive ever seen. The halo. You might say that (since I myself was of the idle family) I lash out only because I didnt get it. As the spy would say, No, I think not. People who got the halo hate the damn thing.

So why am I dissapoint? Because Valve had created a moment in which to make cheaters think twice. They had set up the perfect situation to cut down cheating to a level unheard of in any online multiplayer game. And they fucked the hell out of it. All Valve would have need to do is figure out what the most popular hats are, and give it to the non cheaters. One hat that depeneded on what you had. Like say the officers unshanka was the most popular and the fedora was second fave and you had the unshanka, youd get the fedora (and so on if you had it). That would piss people off into playing it straight! Sure people would still cheat, but the majority of cheaters would switch to playing right to reap the benefits. Instead they gave out a halo for the cheaters to look at and mock. Cheating was better to them in that they didnt have that gay halo but a variety of hats (I ofcourse didnt recieve a single hat, but still got punished. Oh well xD). So for months they had new hats and now no hats most likely, but Valve is increasing the drop rate so again Cheating did more then playing it right.

Valve, I am dissapoint.

Posted by TheReno - July 24th, 2009

http://tf2.skyscrapersoup.com/?page_id =57

It is funny. Read it or else monkeys will rape you!

Posted by TheReno - June 18th, 2009

Ok so we have an art portal. Yay?!?!?! Now we can be just like deviantart with out the lit (but thats coming I hear). What happened to this place? I remember this site as a refuge, a place that stood on its own and did its own thing and told everyone else to fuck off if they didnt like it. I remember this setting the trends, not following them. I remember this being the place to get a start, not battered down.

But wait you might say, whose being battered down?

No one yet.

Flash is a one way street, you stay on if you stay good but veer off if your shit sucks. Now we got an art portal and with art brings three people: The snotty, the spoiled, and the cool ones. And now you can just through any piece of shit together, put some bs meaning behind it and call it art, which snots love to do. The spoiled kids will fucking berate everyones shit except their own so now we will have twice as many zero bombers. The cool kids are ok, just trying to learn more and give advice when they can, the only good thing the art world has.

Im not an artist, but I am a writer so when the lit portal comes up, I wont post shit in there. Cause of my final point, none of this is a good idea in that no one will be serious about. Now of course there will be the exceptions to the rule here and there, but for the most part people will just find the art they like, save it, re post it somewhere maybe as their own work and call it a night. At least with the art forum this didnt happen so much to newgrounders, but with an revenue sharing in place, we are going to find awesome pictures from backwater artists but guess what? The people who posted them didnt make it but someone else in the backwaters I mentioned. All in the hopes you'll click their ads.

But to those who do want this to work out, best of luck to ya and for ya.

Posted by TheReno - April 24th, 2009

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/10 45596/2

So go check out the MWC and write something. Its almost deadline time.

Posted by TheReno - March 22nd, 2009

So yeah, Im brousing around, looking for a kick ass skin to try to put on and I see like female engineer and female scout, and it hits me, we need like a Gordon Freeman pyro skin or heavy. So Im like "Someone must have made a Gordon Freeman something". I cant have been the only one to think of this.

Well folks, apparently I am the first person to ever think we need to be able to play as freeman in Team Fortress two. Apparently, out of the 6 billion people estimated to live on this planet, I am the first to look at freeman and look at Team Fortress two and say "These two combined would be like chocolate and milk.

I ask you, how is this possible?
And I ask furthur, why arent you making one?

Seriously, if I am wrong, and they made one, show me. But truly it seems this is the first time it has come up.

Posted by TheReno - March 7th, 2009

Im not knocking the quality of comedy in that movie, nor am I biased cause Im a fur (read on I do something surprising) but seriously, Khale would seem to be the best choice in this dont ya think? I mean this was best movie, and that was the best movie. Best quality, best animated, and the voices were unique. There she is was good, but I understand it losing out cause its more a music video then anything else. A walk in the woods I can understand losing as well just given what we are comparing it too, but if they chose the best moive based on comedy, then wining over pancakes is a lie.


But seriously Chucks new tux was beat out by two movies on two diffrent fronts. How it won is beyond me, but hell I dont have a popular site that you can submit shit to do I?

SO TOM, I SAY TO THEE: Delete thy Pico 2, and look out for me when that Lit portal gets up.

Posted by TheReno - February 12th, 2009

I have made one of those whatchamacallits, a western short story. READ NAO

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/10 26816

Posted by TheReno - December 25th, 2008

My fellow americans, a plight has struck our world. I got banned xD

ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from posting to the BBS for 14 days. You have 13 days, 6 hours, 56 minutes and 59 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.

Reason for ban: You have been banned for posting in a spam thread, entitled "Jesus Christ, delete me already!." This only fuels the flames and keeps the topic alive. This is a mandatory ban.

It wasnt like I said anything bad. Some guy posted that thread telling how he has 5 fucking accounts and all got banned but he will make more. So my reply to his asking why was "I think this is why" refering to the fact he makes nooby lol threads bout his non deleation. Posting in a spam thread- guilty, I knew it was spam but just had to do it. But is the punishment fitting of the crime? A day ban seems fair, hell 3 days I could live with. But 14 fucking days for one post that wasnt racist, hate filled, or none of that bull shit? Really? Is this how NG has decided to punish people? Eliminate the law abiding citizens, let the real criminals go free. His accounts are banned, but he will make new ones while I will not, cause I follow the rules. I may have broke one, but as I said before, the punishment is not in fitting of the crime.