So yeah, Im brousing around, looking for a kick ass skin to try to put on and I see like female engineer and female scout, and it hits me, we need like a Gordon Freeman pyro skin or heavy. So Im like "Someone must have made a Gordon Freeman something". I cant have been the only one to think of this.
Well folks, apparently I am the first person to ever think we need to be able to play as freeman in Team Fortress two. Apparently, out of the 6 billion people estimated to live on this planet, I am the first to look at freeman and look at Team Fortress two and say "These two combined would be like chocolate and milk.
I ask you, how is this possible?
And I ask furthur, why arent you making one?
Seriously, if I am wrong, and they made one, show me. But truly it seems this is the first time it has come up.
If you ask me, the sniper would fit Freeman a bit better. The sniper's about the right size for it.