If you use steam and play team fortress two, you will know that valve has taken up a zero tolerance stance on every external item getter, and have extended this to idleing. Without warning they lashed out at all idlers and took their items, but only those gained by idleing with a warning that to continue means your backpack dies. Then they wanted to show us that not cheating had its benefits, giving the gayest hat Ive ever seen. The halo. You might say that (since I myself was of the idle family) I lash out only because I didnt get it. As the spy would say, No, I think not. People who got the halo hate the damn thing.
So why am I dissapoint? Because Valve had created a moment in which to make cheaters think twice. They had set up the perfect situation to cut down cheating to a level unheard of in any online multiplayer game. And they fucked the hell out of it. All Valve would have need to do is figure out what the most popular hats are, and give it to the non cheaters. One hat that depeneded on what you had. Like say the officers unshanka was the most popular and the fedora was second fave and you had the unshanka, youd get the fedora (and so on if you had it). That would piss people off into playing it straight! Sure people would still cheat, but the majority of cheaters would switch to playing right to reap the benefits. Instead they gave out a halo for the cheaters to look at and mock. Cheating was better to them in that they didnt have that gay halo but a variety of hats (I ofcourse didnt recieve a single hat, but still got punished. Oh well xD). So for months they had new hats and now no hats most likely, but Valve is increasing the drop rate so again Cheating did more then playing it right.
Valve, I am dissapoint.
I like the halo. It's got a high comic value to it.